Using the Preview screen is the easiest way to solve this.

The query below will list up to 1000 records per page and print the url and id of every record.

  "q": "",
  "filter": "_id != ''",
  "fields": "url,_id",

Passing no values to the fields parameter will return all the fields associated with the record which you can view by changing the view mode from Visual to Raw.

An alternative method is to run a query like the one below and click Raw.

  "q": "",
  "filter": "_id != ''",
  "count": "url",

The output of this query is a count of all the unique URL’s for every record. You could change url to a different field like title.

These methods are intensive to process so may take some time to display. If your collection is too large then it may not produce any results. In this scenario we recommend running these queries via our queryCollection API endpoint.